1..乐凯胶片股份有限公司,河北省新能源膜材料技术创新中心,保定市新能源膜材料技术创新中心,保定 071054
2..南京大学化学化工学院,南京 210023
3..中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室,合肥 230029
*万彩霞,E-mail: cxwan113@ustc.edu.cn
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胡玉涛, 马克, 乔梦娇, 杨雪萌, 宋红芹, 王莉, 柳青, 陈咏萱, 万彩霞. 利用Flash DSC探究湿法隔膜快速降温过程结晶行为. 高分子通报, 2024, 37(4), 506–512
Hu, Y. T.; Ma, K.; Qiao, M. J.; Yang, X. M.; Song, H. Q.; Wang, L.; Liu, Q.; Chen, Y. X.; Wan, C. X. Exploring the crystallization behavior of wet separator during rapid cooling process by flash DSC. Polym. Bull. (in Chinese), 2024, 37(4), 506–512
胡玉涛, 马克, 乔梦娇, 杨雪萌, 宋红芹, 王莉, 柳青, 陈咏萱, 万彩霞. 利用Flash DSC探究湿法隔膜快速降温过程结晶行为. 高分子通报, 2024, 37(4), 506–512 DOI: 10.14028/j.cnki.1003-3726.2024.23.302.
Hu, Y. T.; Ma, K.; Qiao, M. J.; Yang, X. M.; Song, H. Q.; Wang, L.; Liu, Q.; Chen, Y. X.; Wan, C. X. Exploring the crystallization behavior of wet separator during rapid cooling process by flash DSC. Polym. Bull. (in Chinese), 2024, 37(4), 506–512 DOI: 10.14028/j.cnki.1003-3726.2024.23.302.
研究了湿法隔膜超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)与白油混合体系在挤出流延过程中快速、非等温结晶行为。通过Flash DSC和常规DSC技术表征了不同固含量体系在不同冷却速率条件下微观晶体结构特性。结果表明:当冷却速率低于10
The rapid and non-isothermal crystallization behavior of ultra-high molecular weight poly-ethylene (UHMWPE) and paraffin oil mixed system from separator by wet process during extrusion casting was studied. The microstructure characteristics of different solid content systems under different cooling rates were characterized using Flash DSC and conventional DSC techniques. The results show that when the cooling rate is below 10
the initial crystallization temperature slowly decreases with the increase of cooling rate
and the obtained crystal melting temperature and thickness decreases with the increase of cooling rate; When the cooling rate is higher than 10
the initial crystallization temperature rapidly decreases with the cooling rate
while the crystal thickness does not change much; The higher the casting roll temperature
the higher the melting temperature of crystal of the cast film
the thicker the crystal thickness
and the higher the solid content of UHMWPE
the greater the difference between the crystal melting temperature and crystal thickness of the cast film obtained by high and low temperature casting rolls.
Wet separatorExtrusion castingCrystallization temperatureCrystal thicknessUltra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE)
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