1.中国计量大学生命科学学院,杭州 310018
2.教育部消化系统肿瘤医药基础研究创新中心,杭州 310020
3.浙江大学医学院第二附属医院消化内科,杭州 310009
4.浙江大学长三角智慧绿洲创新中心,嘉兴 314102
*刘祥瑞,E-mail: xiangrui@zju.edu.cn;黄楚娟,E-mail: l231008@zju.edu.cn
*刘祥瑞,E-mail: xiangrui@zju.edu.cn;黄楚娟,E-mail: l231008@zju.edu.cn
陆广林, 金园庭, 刘祥瑞, 黄楚娟. 基于刺激响应型聚合物纳米载体的铂类药物递送系统. 高分子通报, 2024, 37(10), 1317–1336
Lu, G. L.; Jin, Y. T.; Liu, X. R.; Huang, C. J. Stimulus-responsive polymeric nanocarriers for platinum drug delivery. Polym. Bull. (in Chinese), 2024, 37(10), 1317–1336
陆广林, 金园庭, 刘祥瑞, 黄楚娟. 基于刺激响应型聚合物纳米载体的铂类药物递送系统. 高分子通报, 2024, 37(10), 1317–1336 DOI: 10.14028/j.cnki.1003-3726.2024.24.124.
Lu, G. L.; Jin, Y. T.; Liu, X. R.; Huang, C. J. Stimulus-responsive polymeric nanocarriers for platinum drug delivery. Polym. Bull. (in Chinese), 2024, 37(10), 1317–1336 DOI: 10.14028/j.cnki.1003-3726.2024.24.124.
Platinum (Pt) drugs are the most common chemotherapeutic agents in the clinic due to their unique anticancer mechanism
which endows them with high efficiency and broad-spectrum resistance to tumors. However
the toxicity and side effects induced by Pt drugs
the drug resistance limits the therapeutic effects of Pt drugs. With the development of nanotechnology
the use of nanocarriers to realize the targeted delivery of Pt drugs has become a hot research topic in recent years. Among the various kinds of nanocarriers
the development of stimuli-responsive polymeric nanocarriers has become a trend in the construction of Pt drug delivery systems at this stage. On the one hand
polymer-based nano-delivery system is capable of taking advantage of polymer segments to enhance loading capacity and achieve the conjugation of different drugs. On the other hand
it is capable of utilizing the tumor microenvironment to achieve the precise delivery and accumulation and penetration of Pt drugs through stimulation response.According to the classification of stimuli-responsive sources
this review overviews the recent progress of different stimuli-responsive polymeric nanocarriers to deliver Pt drugs efficiently
following the introduction of platinum drugs. The design strategy and the controlled-release mechanism of polymeric nanocarriers are analyzed with emphasis. This review aims to provide the research and development (R&D) idea and theoretical support for a clinically applicable polymer-based nano-delivery system for Pt drugs.
Platinum drugsPolymerNano-delivery systemsStimulus response
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