天津大学材料科学与工程学院,天津 300350
*马哲,E-mail: zhe.ma@tju.edu.cn
刘超, 马哲, 潘莉, 李悦生. 共聚丁烯弹性体增韧等规聚丙烯. 高分子通报, 2024, 37(10), 1448–1458
Liu, C.; Ma, Z.; Pan, L.; Li, Y. S. Isotactic polypropylene toughened by polybutene-based elastomers. Polym. Bull. (in Chinese), 2024, 37(10), 1448–1458
刘超, 马哲, 潘莉, 李悦生. 共聚丁烯弹性体增韧等规聚丙烯. 高分子通报, 2024, 37(10), 1448–1458 DOI: 10.14028/j.cnki.1003-3726.2024.24.138.
Liu, C.; Ma, Z.; Pan, L.; Li, Y. S. Isotactic polypropylene toughened by polybutene-based elastomers. Polym. Bull. (in Chinese), 2024, 37(10), 1448–1458 DOI: 10.14028/j.cnki.1003-3726.2024.24.138.
催化丁烯与十二烯(C12)、十六烯(C16)、二十烯(C20)无规共聚,合成了一系列侧链长度不同的聚丁烯弹性体(PBE),其最高断裂伸长率和最高弹性恢复率可分别达5 000%和88.9%。采用熔融共混法制备了等规聚丙烯(
PP相比,加入5 wt%共聚单元为C16、插入率为52.3%的聚丁烯弹性体PBE-C16(52.3),可将材料断裂伸长率增加8倍、抗冲强度提高2倍。PBE高弹性恢复能力及其在
A series of long-chain branching polybutene-based elastomers (PBEs) were successfully prepared by incorporating distinct comonomers of 1-dodecene (C12)
1-hexadecene (C16)
and 1-icosaene (C20). The improved elongation
at break of PBE could exceed 5 000%
and the best elastic recovery of PBE reached 88.9%. Moreover
PBEs were blended with isotactic polypropylene (
PP) to improve the material toughness. The effects of additional
side chain length
and comonomer incorporation of PBEs on the toughening effect were systematically studied. The results showed that for PBE-C16(52.3) incorporated 52.3 mol% 1-hexadecene comonomers
the addition of 5 wt% PBE increased the elongation at break of
PP blend by more than 8 times to 900% and its impact strength increased by 2 times to 15.3 kJ/m
. The high elastic recovery of PBE and its small dispersed phase size are beneficial to the improvement on toughness of the
PP blend material. This work provides a simple and effective method for obtaining
PP blend material with the improved toughness.
Polybutene elastomersLong-chain branchingPolypropylene toughening
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